
Girls' daily uniform

Daily uniform

Zapato para preescolar y primaria menor (niñas)

Elementary 4th – 6th grades and Jr. High

Gala uniform

Note: The sweater is worn only with the daily or gala uniform. The jacket is worn only with pants.

Gala uniform

Boys' daily uniform

Daily uniform

Shoes for Preschool and Elementary 1st – 3rd grades (Boys)

Elementary 4th – 6th grades and Jr. high (Boys)

Boys' gala uniform

Note: The sweater is worn only with the daily or gala uniform. The jacket is worn only with pants.

Gala uniform

Sport uniform


Sport uniform

Preescolar y primaria menor (unisex)

Primaria mayor y secundaria (unisex)

Winter uniform

Winter uniform (unisex)

Every Friday (Unisex)

To celebrate the Incarnation every 25th of the month ( Unisex)